Animal and Plant Genome Assembly and Annotation

Animal and Plant Genome Assembly and Annotation

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At CD Genomics, one of the leading providers of animal and plant genome assembly and annotation services, we use bioinformatics to help you advance your animal and plant genomics research. If we are fortunate enough to work together, we will provide you with a high-quality data analysis platform, rapid analysis cycles, and high-quality reporting of results.

Advances in Animal and Plant Genome Assembly and Annotation Research

Next-generation sequencing has triggered an explosion of available genomics and transcriptomics resources in the life sciences. While the cost and efficiency of genome and transcriptome sequencing has increased by several orders of magnitude, the functional annotation process often lags behind. Genome assembly and annotation is one of the fundamental processes in genomics research and plays a critical role in deciphering the genetic composition and function of animal and plant species. For example, large-scale integrative analyses across data types and species can accelerate our understanding of genome function in animals (cattle, goats, horses, pigs, poultry, sheep, buffalo, and salmon species, among others). In addition, it is possible to annotate conserved and/or distinct functional regions of the genome and integrate informative genomic features as genetic targets for advanced breeding or precision engineering.

Fig. 1. Workflow for European starling genome assembly and annotation.Fig. 1. Workflow for European starling genome assembly and annotation. (Stuart K C, et al, 2022)

The Bioinformatics Analysis That We Can Provide

Based on our advanced high-throughput sequencing technology platform, we offer specialized sequencing services that can generate large amounts of plant and animal genomic data. Our technical team is also focused on developing an efficient and accurate portfolio of methods to assemble and annotate genomes.

CD Genomics provides one-stop assembly and annotation services specifically tailored to plant and animal genomes. Our experienced team of bioinformaticians and geneticists are equipped with the latest tools and methods to provide a seamlessly integrated workflow for the assembly and annotation of plant and animal genomes, ensuring a streamlined process from start to finish, delivering the highest quality data for assembly and annotation.

Our Advantages:

Our services cater to the diverse needs of modern sequencing technologies, including the illustrious Illumina, Ion Torrent, PacBio, 10x, Oxford Nanopore, Hi-C, etc.

With an array of strategies at our disposal, we seamlessly execute de novo assembly, reference-based assembly, or even a fusion of both.

Gene annotation and functional assignment uses KEGG pathways, gene ontology, and ERGO databases to place genes in their functional or metabolic context.

Improved gene prediction using Iso-Seq and RNA-Seq.

Rigorous data filtering, error correction and read matching techniques are used to minimize sequencing errors and maximize the accuracy of assembly and annotation results.

Custom solutions, whether for large-scale plant genomic projects or targeted analysis for animal genomics.

Bioinformatics Analysis Content:

Analysis/Pipeline Details
De Novo Assembly of Plant and Animal Genomes We utilize advanced algorithms and computational techniques to reconstruct complete genome sequences from fragmented DNA data for a comprehensive representation of plant and animal genomes.
Reference-based Assembly of Plant and Animal Genomes In addition to de novo assembly, CD Genomics offers reference-based assembly services. This approach we use existing reference genomes to compare and map sequencing reads, scaffolding the assembly process for more efficient and accurate reconstruction of plant and animal genomes.
Plant and animal Genomes Annotation Our bioinformatics team provides comprehensive genome annotation services for plant and animal genomes using a combination of computational tools, predictive algorithms and manual management to annotate genes, regulatory elements and functional regions. We aim to help our clients gain insight into gene function, regulatory networks, and evolutionary relationships.

CD Genomics has over a decade of experience in genome-wide assembly and annotation. We can help you with your project from experimental data, through all analyses to intact report at competitive rates. If you have any questions about how we can help you, please contact us. We look forward to working with you!


  1. Stuart K C, Edwards R J, Cheng Y, et al. Transcript‐and annotation‐guided genome assembly of the European starling[J]. Molecular Ecology Resources, 2022, 22(8): 3141-3160.
* For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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