ANOVA Analysis

ANOVA Analysis

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CD Genomics, as one of the professional bioinformatics analysis service providers, is able to provide efficient and accurate ANOVA services and comprehensive professional conclusion analysis services to our customers.

Introduction of ANOVA Analysis

ANOVA analysis is a statistical method that can be used to test for differences in means between three or more groups. If you have a single independent variable and your goal is to investigate whether different levels of the factor have a measurable effect on the dependent variable, a one-way ANOVA is usually the way to go. However, one-way ANOVA has some limitations. One-way ANOVA can only be used to investigate a single factor and a single dependent variable. When comparing means of three or more groups, one-way ANOVA can be used to assess whether there is a pair of means that are significantly different.

T-test step detection method.Table 1. The results of meta-ANOVA analyses. (Moon J, et al., 2021)

Application Field

ANOVA analysis can be used for but not limited to the following research:

  • It is used to study the efficacy of several drugs on diseases.
  • In the field of agricultural research, to study the effect of factors such as soil, fertilizer, and sunlight duration on the yield of a certain crop.
  • For the analysis of gene expression data.
  • Analysis of the interaction between two or more factors.
  • Linearity hypothesis testing of the regression equation.
  • Hypothesis testing of biased regression coefficients in multiple linear regression analysis.

Data Requirements

  • The sample data from the aggregate are random and independent.
  • The data of the selected sample obeys normal distribution.
  • The data of the selected sample are from the same overall population.

CD Genomics ANOVA Analysis Pipeline

CD Genomics ANOVA Analysis Pipeline

Bioinformatics Analysis Content

The ANOVA of variance relies on the F distribution as the basis for the probability distribution, and the F value is estimated using the between- and within-group mean square calculated from the sum of squares and degrees of freedom, and post hoc analysis or multiple comparisons are considered if there are significant differences. The analyses related to ANOVA analysis that we can provide are listed below.

One-way ANOVA Analysis Two-way ANOVA Analysis
Multi-way ANOVA Analysis ANCOVA Analysis
MANOVA Analysis Repeated Measures

For ANOVA analysis, we will help you choose the right type of ANOVA analysis based on the data you provide. For questions about analysis content, project cycle, and pricing, please click online inquiry.

How It Works

CD Genomics is a professional bioinformatics service provider with years of experience in NGS and long-read sequencing (PacBio SMRT and Oxford Nanopore platforms) data analysis, integrated analysis services, database construction, and other bioinformatics solutions.

How It Works

CD Genomics has professional bioinformatics experts who have successfully helped researchers in many different fields with their ANOVA analysis of biological data. Our professional skills and enthusiasm will provide you with high-quality analysis services. If you are interested in our services, please contact us for more details.


  1. Huopaniemi I, et al. Multivariate multi-way analysis of multi-source data. Bioinformatics. 2010 Jun 15; 26(12): i391-8.
  2. Moon J. The effect of the heatwave on the morbidity and mortality of diabetes patients; a meta-analysis for the era of the climate crisis. Environ Res. 2021 Apr; 195: 110762.
* For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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