Biostatistics analysis

Biostatistics analysis

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CD Genomics is able to use biostatistical analysis to help customers organize and analyze massive amounts of data to solve scientific problems in biology, medicine, public health, agricultural sciences, and other fields.

Introduction of Biostatistics Analysis

Biostatistics uses mathematical principles and methods to analyze and interpret data from various phenomena and experimental investigations in the biological world. Biostatistics applies the principles and methods of mathematical statistics to the analysis and inference of data and information. It mainly includes the statistical description and statistical inference, involving the collection and organization of data information, calculation of characteristic numbers, hypothesis testing, analysis of variance, regression and correlation analysis, and analysis of covariance.

Significance of Biostatistical Analysis

  • The biostatistical analysis provides a scientific method of organizing and describing data information to determine the quantitative characteristics of certain shapes and properties.
  • The biostatistical analysis judges the reliability of test results.
  • The biostatistical analysis provides a method for inferring the total from a sample.
  • The biostatistical analysis provides some important principles of experimental design.

Explore Our Biostatistical Analysis

Application Field

Application Field

Biostatistical Analysis Content

Collation of experimental data and calculation of characteristic numbers Experimental data collection
Experimental data organization
Probability distribution Distribution of the sample mean
Distribution of sample covariance
Distribution of the difference between the sum of two sample means
Statistical inference Hypothesis test of the sample mean
Hypothesis test of the sampling frequency
Interval estimation and point estimation of parameters
Homogeneity test of sample variances
Chi-squared test Suitability test
Independence test
Analysis of variance One-way ANOVA
Multi-way ANOVA
Analysis of variance for repeated measures data
Linear regression analysis Build a linear regression model
Hypothesis test for linear regression

We are able to use biostatistical analysis to help our customers achieve high throughput data analysis in multi-omics. For questions about analysis content, project cycle, and pricing, please click online inquiry.

How It Works

CD Genomics is a professional bioinformatics service provider with years of experience in NGS and long-read sequencing (PacBio SMRT and Oxford Nanopore platforms) data, proteomics and metabolomics data analysis, integrated analysis services, database construction, and other bioinformatics solutions.

How It Works

CD Genomics has professional bioinformatics experts who have successfully provided biostatistical analysis to researchers in many different fields. Our professional skills and enthusiasm will provide you with high-quality analysis services. If you are interested in our services, please contact us for more details.


  1. Lee KJ, et al. Biostatistics: a fundamental discipline at the core of modern health data science. Med J Aust. 2019 Nov; 211(10): 444-446.e1.
* For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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