Genomics and Metabolomics Analysis

Genomics and Metabolomics Analysis

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Genomics enables mapping, nucleotide sequence analysis, gene localization, and gene function analysis of all genes. Metabolomics is the science of quantitatively describing the response patterns of endogenous metabolites of living organisms to internal and external changes.

Introduction of Genomics and Metabolomics Analysis

The integrated analysis of metabolomics and genomics data can obtain more quantifiable data and more comprehensive molecular characteristics, which can be widely used in various aspects of basic medicine, clinical diagnosis, and drug development. CD Genomics uses high-throughput sequencing, high-resolution mass spectrometry, and data integration technologies to analyze genomics and metabolomics data together, and is dedicated to comprehensively analyzing the functions of organisms from a systems biology perspective. The specific services we can provide for genomics and metabolomics analysis are listed below.

  • Genome-wide association studies with metabolomics (mGWAS). mGWAS uses metabolomic data as phenotypes and correlates them with genomic data for analysis, and its accuracy is higher than that of traditional GWAS analysis.
  • Construction genome-scale metabolic network models. GSMM serves as an important systems biology tool for predicting cellular phenotypes, guiding metabolic engineering, screening biomarkers, and going to targets. We are able to help our customers build GSMM models, predict the function of each gene using genome annotation results, and provide data on substrate and metabolite concentrations using metabolomics analysis.
  • Metagenomics combined with metabolomics analysis. We are able to provide an integrated analysis of macro-genomes with targeted metabolomics and non-targeted metabolomics for research in medicine, agriculture, soil environment, and other fields.

Metabolome represents biological end points and depicts the driving force of phenotypes.Figure 1. Metabolome represents biological end points and depicts the driving force of phenotypes. (Adamski J, et al., 2013)

Our Workflow of Genomics and Metabolomics Analysis Services

Genomics and Metabolomics Analysis


We can provide the following analysis results, including but not limited to.

  • Dot plot of CCA analysis based on species richness and significantly different metabolites.
  • Species and metabolite correlation clustering heat map.
  • Functional gene-metabolite association network diagram.
  • Graph of the results of the analysis of the microbial contribution to metabolites.

How Can We Help You

Choosing our genomics and metabolomics analysis services can help you solve the following problems.

  • Metabolic engineering. We are able to use bioinformatics tools to reconstruct, optimize and design metabolic networks based on functional genomic information, and then improve the performance of engineered strains through metabolic engineering.
  • Discovering microbial natural products. Microorganisms are rich in clusters of biosynthetic genes encoding secondary metabolites. We use genome mining strategies to uncover biosynthetic gene clusters in microorganisms and identify the expression of biosynthetic gene clusters and the synthesis of natural products using metabolomes and others.
  • Exploration of the mechanisms of gut microbial-host interactions. We use metabolomics to identify small molecule metabolites of gut microbes that vary with host pathophysiology and genomics to analyze the mechanism of microbiome-host interactions.

Can CD Genomics help me generate raw data?

Yes, we can. With advanced instrumentation, a high-coverage self-built database, and experienced metabolomics experts, we can provide you with sequencing services and metabolite detection services.

How should I prepare and send my samples?

If you require our genome sequencing and metabolomics testing services, please send samples as requested in the form below and contact us.

Sample Type Minimum requirement per sample Storage and transportation
Serum, Plasma, cerebrospinal fluid 2 ml Snap freeze in liquid nitrogen.
Store at -80 ℃.
Ship with dry ice.
For RNAseq
Urine 500 ul
Fecal elements, intestinal contents 1 g
Tissue 300 g
Cultured Cells 1 x 107 cells
Plant materials 3 g


  1. Adamski J, et al. Metabolomics platforms for genome wide association studies--linking the genome to the metabolome. Curr Opin Biotechnol. 2013 Feb; 24(1): 39-47.
  2. van der Hooft JJJ, et al . Linking genomics and metabolomics to chart specialized metabolic diversity. Chem Soc Rev. 2020 Jun 7; 49(11): 3297-3314.
* For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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