Targeted RNA Sequencing Analysis

Targeted RNA Sequencing Analysis

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As one of the providers of targeted RNA sequencing analysis, CD Genomics uses bioinformatics to help you understand specific genome-scale transcripts. Our high-quality data analysis platform will be used to generate high-quality analysis results in a fast analysis cycle.

Research Advances in Targeted RNA Sequencing Analysis

RNA sequencing is the standard method for analyzing gene expression in many biological systems. Targeted RNA sequencing is a cost-effective tool that focuses on sequencing genes of interest, providing high sensitivity for transcript detection and quantification. This approach provides deep sequencing of targeted regions while ignoring unwanted regions that often result in a large number of sequencing reads that are not relevant to the study. As a sequencing-based gene expression profiling method, targeted RNA sequencing allows for the quantification of messenger RNA (mRNA) or targeted non-coding RNA (ncRNA) levels for up to 300 customer-defined genes in a single amplification reaction. Analysis of targeted RNA sequencing data is a valuable tool for dissecting the transcriptome and revealing the complexity of gene regulation.

Fig. 1. Mini-bulk CaptureSeq targets sequencing to genes of interest.Fig. 1. Mini-bulk CaptureSeq targets sequencing to genes of interest. (Curion F, et al, 2020)

We Can Help Our Clients With:

Our targeted RNA sequencing analysis is used in a wide range of areas of biological research, including but not limited to:

Rare variant analysis: our targeted RNA sequencing analysis provides a focused approach to identify and characterize rare genetic variants within specific gene regions of interest. Through deep sequencing and comprehensive analysis, we help you identify rare variants, elucidate their functional consequences, and reveal their contribution to disease susceptibility and pathogenesis.

Disease biomarker discovery: our targeted RNA sequencing analysis allows for comprehensive analysis of genes associated with a specific disease or biological process. By comparing gene expression patterns between healthy and diseased samples, our researchers can identify potential biomarkers that hold promise for early detection, patient stratification, and personalized treatment strategies.

Pathway analysis and functional annotation: our targeted RNA sequencing analysis allows our researchers to study gene expression in specific biological pathways or functional categories. By focusing on genes of interest, we can help you gain greater insight into the underlying molecular mechanisms and biological processes involved.

Single cell RNA sequencing experiments: our targeted RNA sequencing analysis can be applied to scRNA-seq experiments, allowing our researchers to analyze gene expression in specific cell types or subpopulations. By combining the resolution of single-cell analysis with targeted approaches, we help you uncover molecular diversity within complex tissues and gain insight into cell-specific functions and interactions.

CD Genomics Data Analysis Pipeline:

CD Genomics utilizes cutting-edge technology and powerful analytical methods to provide accurate and reliable analysis for targeted RNA sequencing, allowing valuable information to be extracted from the transcriptome of interest. Our services cover the entire workflow of targeted RNA sequencing analysis from pre-processing to data analysis.

(1) Data pre-processing and quality control

Our skilled bioinformaticians use state-of-the-art algorithms and quality control metrics to carefully process raw RNA-seq data. By performing adapter trimming, read filtering and quality assessment, we ensure that only high quality data is available for further analysis.

(2) Read mapping and transcript quantification

Using our expertise and advanced algorithms, we match sequencing reads to a reference genome, transcriptome, or custom target region of interest. Our powerful quantification methods accurately estimate gene expression levels, facilitate accurate comparisons between samples and reveal differential expression patterns.

(3) Differential gene expression analysis

CD Genomics provides cutting-edge algorithms and statistical methods to analyze differential gene expression in targeted RNA sequencing data. By performing rigorous statistical tests and controlled multiple testing, we reveal genes that are significantly up- or down-regulated, revealing key biological processes and pathways.

(4) Selective splicing analysis

CD Genomics uses sophisticated algorithms to analyze variable splicing events in target RNA sequencing data. By quantifying isoform expression levels and detecting splice variants, we provide valuable insights into the functional diversity of gene products.

(5) Fusion gene detection

Our advanced analysis process incorporates state-of-the-art algorithms to identify fusion genes from targeted RNA sequencing data. By detecting gene fusions and characterizing their structural variants, we facilitate the discovery of novel oncogenic drivers and potential therapeutic targets.

How It Works

CD Genomics is a high-tech company specializing in multiomic data analysis. We provide services such as project design, data analysis, and database construction. With a focus on developing breakthrough products and services, we are a pioneer in the biotechnology industry, serving researchers and partners worldwide.

How It Works

CD Genomics offers comprehensive targeted RNA sequencing analysis services that ensure high-quality results and valuable insights from your targeted RNA sequencing data. Whether you are exploring disease mechanisms, elucidating cellular heterogeneity, or discovering new biomarkers, CD Genomics is your trusted partner in advancing scientific discovery and progress. If you are interested in our services, please contact us for more detailed information.


  1. Curion F, Handel AE, Attar M, et al. Targeted RNA sequencing enhances gene expression profiling of ultra-low input samples. RNA Biol. 2020 Dec;17(12):1741-1753.
* For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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