Bulked Segregant Analysis

Bulked Segregant Analysis

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CD Genomics as one of the providers of bulked segregant analysis, we use bioinformatics methods to help you quickly locate the QTL for extreme traits of animals and plants. Our unique data analysis skills and appropriate software tools can meet customers' personalized laboratory data analysis needs. You only need to provide raw data or third-party data, as well as analysis requirements, and we will provide you with a easy-to-interpret data analysis reports.

Introduction of Bulked Segregant Analysis

Bulked Segregant Analysis (BSA) is a method for QTL mapping of extreme traits of animals and plants by using sample pooling. According to the extreme performance of the traits in the F2 generation, they were divided into two groups, and the DNA extracted from these two groups were hybridized with the cDNA with the test gene or its latory sequences to screen the molecular markers related to the tested trait. Then use the markers to analyze the separation between the markers and the traits in the analysis population to determine whether they are linked and the genetic distance between them, and for gene mapping. The BSA method only needs to extract DNA from two samples, while other QTL methods must extract DNA from each plant separately. Therefore, the BSA method is fast and convenient, and can quickly locate the molecular marker region closely linked to the target gene, and further excavate important functional genes.

Using bioinformatics methods to analyze the data obtained from Bulked Segregant Analysis sequencing, it is possible to locate the fertility genes, resistance genes, physiological genes, and morphological genes of plants. In addition, it can also conduct related research on variety resource management.

Fig 2. Application of BSA method in identification of rice blast resistance QTL. Fig 1. Application of BSA method in identification of rice blast resistance QTL. (Takagi H, Abe A, et al. 2013)

We Can Help Our Clients With

Locating crop fertility genes in the process of crop breeding.

Locating resistance-related genes in the process of crop resistance research.

Locating genes related to crop physiology and morphological traits.

Using in the research of species classification in species resource management.

Our Advantages

Compared with other QTL analysis methods, the BSA analysis method has the following advantages:

The number of DNA samples to be extracted is small.

The difference between alleles can be determined.

It is widely used in various researches on crops.

Convenient and fast, it is a time-saving and more practical analysis technique.

CD Genomics Analysis Pipeline

Fig 3. Pipeline of Bulked Segregant Analysis. - CD GenomicsFig 2. Pipeline of Bulked Segregant Analysis.

What We Offer

1. Sequencing data statistics 2. Remove adapter sequence and low-quality sequence
3. High quality data acquisition 4. Align to reference genome
5. Sequence alignment summary 6. SNP /Indel / SV detection
7. SNP /Indel / SV results summary 8. SNP /Indel / SV annotation
9. Analysis of SNP /Indel / SV differences among different samples 10. Visualization of SNP /Indel / SV results
11. Target trait positioning 12. Candidate target trait-related gene function annotation

For Bulked segregant analysis, if you have other personalized requirements, we will provide appropriate biological information analysis content according to your needs. For analysis content, price, cycle, if you have any questions, please click online inquiry.

How It Works

CD Genomics is a high-tech company specializing in multiomic data analysis. We provide services such as project design, data analysis, and database construction. With a focus on developing breakthrough products and services, we are a pioneer in the biotechnology industry, serving researchers and partners worldwide.

How It Works

Bioinformatics-Analysis, a division of CD Genomics, provides bulked segregant analysis according to customer’s requirements. It has been engaged in bulked segregant analysis for a long time. Through research on different type of plants, we have accumulated and solved various problems encountered in bulked segregant analysis. If you are interested in our services, please contact us for more detailed information.


  1. Takagi H, Abe A, et al. QTL-seq: rapid mapping of quantitative trait loci in rice by whole genome resequencing of DNA from two bulked populations. Plant J, 2013, 74(1):174.
* For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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