RNA-Protein Interaction Analysis

RNA-Protein Interaction Analysis

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RNA binding proteins (RBPs) affect the translation of bound transcripts, facilitate or prevent the recruitment of ribosomes and translation initiation factors, as well as mRNA stability, localization, and alternative splicing. CD Genomics combines a variety of bioinformatics analysis platforms (Genomics, Transcriptomics, and Epigenomics) to expand the depth and potential for analyzing protein-RNA interactions, providing you with new biological insights.

RNA-Protein Interaction

The fulfillment of biological functions often requires the role of transient complexes formed by multiple molecules, for example, RNA combined with proteins to form complexes that recognize specific sites, motifs or structures, which can affect essential processes such as replication, transcription and DNA repair, as well as transport, translation, splicing and silencing of RNA. In addition to coding RNAs, there are different types of non-coding RNAs.

However, the interactions between proteins (RBPs, RNPs, etc.) and RNAs are complex and unpredictable, and their interactions are not only related to RNA sequences, but also to the three-dimensional structures of proteins and nucleic acids, competitive repression and pathway signaling.

Using our bioinformatics platform and years of experience in handling high-throughput sequencing data, we identify protein-RNA interactions on a large scale and explore how RNA-RBPs interactions, ribosome interactions affect processes such as RNA biosynthesis, stability, cellular localization, splicing, and translocation, and determine the role of these interactions in biological development, functional realization, and disease development.

What Do We Analyze?

RNA-immunoprecipitation followed by high-throughput sequencing (RIP-seq) enriches RNA-protein complexes of interest by immunoprecipitation and then analyzes the RNA sequences bound to specific RBPs using next-generation sequencing.

  • CLIP-Seq Analysis

High-throughput sequencing of RNA isolated by crosslinking immunoprecipitation (CLIP-seq or HITS-CLIP) uses crosslinking-induced mutagenesis to identify specific residues that mark protein-transcript interactions, combined with next-generation sequencing, to provide a comprehensive study of intracellular RNA and its binding proteins.

Our Data Services Includes

  • Raw sequencing data process and quality control
  • Peak calling to identify signal-enriched regions and visualization
  • Identification of RNA-binding protein target sites and assessment of interaction potential
  • RNA splicing analysis
  • Identification of novel RBP-target interactions and binding motif prediction
  • Predicting novel disease-related targets

How We Can Help You

  • Characterization of in vivo RNA-protein interactions, including coding RNAs, lncRNAs, snoRNAs, piRNAs and untranslated regions (UTRs), etc.
  • Evaluation of genomic binding sites including exons, promoters and enhancers
  • Combining open and custom genomic data available for downstream analyses
  • Integration of genomic and epigenomic information for association analysis between different mutations
  • Integrating other omics data for further analysis, including RNA-Seq, ChIP-Seq (DNA-protein interaction analysis), ribosomal footprints, etc.
  • Customized analysis: RNA target analysis, microRNA-mRNA interactions, RBPs research, cancer regulation analysis, etc.
  • If you do not have data generated, please contact us for project design and sequencing services

How It Works

How It Works

Why Choose Us

  • Experienced team to manage all data, determining the most appropriate statistical methods and providing biological interpretation of the results
  • Interactive data analysis reports, including all analysis methods and results
  • Technical support from our lead analyst upon receipt of our data analysis reports
  • High-capacity computing and secure data storage
* For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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