Gene Mapping: Introduction, Approaches, and Data Analysis

Gene Mapping: Introduction, Approaches, and Data Analysis

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Gene Mapping and Its Benefits

The techniques for determining a gene's locus and the ranges between genes are referred to as gene mapping. The ranges between various locations within a gene can also be described using gene mapping.

The goal of all genome mapping is to put a compilation of molecular markers on the genome in their proper locations. Molecular markers come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Genes can be thought of as a specific form of genetic marker that can be plotted in the same manner as any other marker in the development of genome maps.

The growth of genetic markers and a mapping population are the first stages in creating a genetic map. The closer two markers are on the chromosome, the more probably they will be handed down in the same generation. As a result, all markers' "co-segregation" trends can be utilized to recreate their order. The genotypes of each genetic marker are transcribed for both parents and subsequent generations of individuals. The number of genetic markers on the map and the size of the mapping population are two factors that influence the quality of genetic maps. The two variables are connected, as a larger mapping population could boost the map's "resolution" and keep it from becoming "saturated."

Genetic-Linkage Assessment

Genetic maps containing a dense set of genetic marker loci—that is, loci with a known Mendelian method of inheritance been formed all over the human chromosomes. Enzyme and blood-group polymorphisms were used as genetic markers in the initial days of genetic plotting. DNA polymorphisms, which have the benefit of not requiring any functional relevance, have largely substituted them. The single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), of which thousands are likely to be discovered, is the latest kind of genetic marker.

The most straightforward method to locating a simple (recessive or dominant) Mendelian disease gene on the human gene plot is to look at haplotypes transferred from parents to offspring—that is, sequences of alleles from various loci that are transferred from a parent in a single gamete.

The haplotype method to disease-gene plotting is frequently not appropriate due to inadequate susceptibility of disease genes, lacking individuals, etiologic heterogeneity, and numerous other complications. An approximation of the disease locus, according to marker and disease phenotypes, is then the preferred technique. The statistical concept used is maximum likelihood approximation, in which the likelihood is the possibility of the data occurring given the parameter values presumed.

Disequilibrium Mapping

The transmission/disequilibrium test (TDT) has been established as a specific assessment technique for family-based control data. The TDT enables numerous affected offspring and is a linkage test in the existence of LD; it is ineffective without LD. However, many research now believes that the possibly hazardous impact of population stratification has been exaggerated and that family-based control data is less effective than case-control researches in detecting LD. Several new LD mapping techniques have been created. Boehnke and Langefeld (1998), for instance, developed several family-based assessments of affiliation that use discordant sib pairs, in which one sib has a disease and the other does not.

Localization of Complex-Trait Genes

Many traits are evidently heritable, but they do not observe the Mendelian inheritance trend. These sophisticated attributes, unlike Mendelian diseases, are fairly common and are thought to be the product of numerous interacting genes, making genetic assessment harder. Since the inheritance trend is unknown, nonparametric techniques are frequently used to find genes that underpin complex traits. Then there's the concern of what impact incorrect model assumptions have on the outcomes. Such concerns have been the subject of a lot of methodological studies. Overall, incorrect penetrance assertions aren't a big deal if recessive-like traits are studied in the recessive mode and dominant-like traits are studied in the dominant model. As a result, parametric assessments are frequently performed under a limited amount of model assumptions and can be at least as strong as nonparametric assessments.

About CD Genomics Bioinformatics Analysis

The bioinformatics analysis department of CD Genomics provides novel solutions for data-driven innovation aimed at discovering the hidden potential in biological data, tapping new insights related to life science research, and predicting new prospects.


  1. Terwilliger JD, Göring HH. Gene mapping in the 20th and 21st centuries: statistical methods, data analysis, and experimental design. Human biology. 2009, 81(5/6).
  2. Collins AR. Linkage disequilibrium and association mapping. InLinkage Disequilibrium and Association Mapping 2007 (pp. 1-15). Humana Press.
* For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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