Label Free Quantitative Proteomics Data Analysis

Label Free Quantitative Proteomics Data Analysis

Online Inquiry


The detection techniques used in biosensors can be broadly classified into label-based and label-free. label-free quantitative proteomics does not use a stable isotope for chemical binding and labeling of proteins. Proteins are first digested with a protease into a peptide mixture, and then they analyzed by Liquid chromatography tandem-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and identified by database searching. It is suitable for the target molecules that are not labeled or the screening of analytes which are not easy to tag[1].

Label-free quantitative proteomicsFigure 1 Label-free quantitative proteomics

Label-free method for quantitation may be the most straight-forward laboratory technique in the field. Comparison of isotope-labeled and unlabeled quantification as follows:

Category Label-free Labelled (iTRAQ/TMT)
Machine time more less
Project cost low high
Repeatability of samples poor better
Data analysis complex complex
Study design flexible fixed
Demand for samples little more

Advantages of service

  • There is no need for expensive isotope label labeling, and the experimental cost is low
  • The pre-treatment operation process is less, so that the sample is the closest to the original state, and is not limited by the sample conditions
  • Lower sample size, suitable for trace sample detection
  • Faster experimental cycles

CD Genomics Data Analysis Pipeline

CD Genomics Data Analysis Pipeline

Bioinformatics Analysis Content

  • Complete proteomics lab reports (including specific experimental procedures)
  • Quality assessment of proteomic data
  • Results of bioinformatics analysis
  • PCA analysis
  • Heat map analysis of all samples
  • Differential protein screening and analysis
  • Functional annotation of differential proteins
  • PPI analysis

Sample requirements

  • Conventional human and animal tissues (such as liver, kidney, brain tissue, etc.): ≥ 100 mg;
  • Mollusca: ≥ 100 mg;
  • Tough tissue (cartilage, hair, etc.): ≥ 500 mg;
  • Plant leaves and other fresh tissue: wet weight ≥ 1 g;
  • Plant samples rich in impurities or low protein content, such as plant roots, rhizomes, xylem, phloem tissue, etc.: dry weight ≥ 2 g;
  • Plant pollen: ≥ 100 mg;
  • Algae tissue: ≥ 1 g;
  • The number of cell samples must be: 105 (it is recommended to use our lysis solution before sending);
  • Microbial bacteria: ≥ 50 uL pure bacteria;
  • More than 1 mL of body fluids (saliva, amniotic fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, etc.), no hemolysis; Serum 50 uL or more; More than 10 mL of urine.

If you have any questions about other special samples, please contact us.

How It Works

Our goal is not only to act as a data analysis service provider, but also as a consultant for your project, providing a total service from project design, data generation, project advancement, data analysis and visualization reporting. Customers can contact our employees directly and we will respond promptly. If you are interested in our services, please contact us or online inquiry for more detailed information.

How It Works


  1. Carey, T.R., et al., Developments in label-free microfluidic methods for single-cell analysis and sorting. Wiley Interdiscip Rev Nanomed Nanobiotechnol, 2019. 11(1): p. e1529.
* For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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