Global Metabolite Profiling Data Analysis

Global Metabolite Profiling Data Analysis

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What Do We Analyze?

Global metabolite profiling data analysis is the qualitative and quantitative analysis of all metabolic components in a specific biological sample under defined conditions. It focuses on small molecule metabolites that serve as substrates and products of various metabolic pathways.

Introduction of Global Metabolite Profiling Data Analysis Services

Metabolite analysis of biological systems can be divided into metabolite target analysis, metabolite fingerprinting, metabolite profiling, and metabolome analysis depending on the object and purpose of the study. Global metabolite profiling studies the patterns of endogenous metabolites and metabolic pathways of an organism as a whole, organ, or tissue over time when influenced by intrinsic or extrinsic factors. CD Genomics enables global metabolic profiling data analysis of samples such as plasma, urine, cells, or tissues using chromatography and mass spectrometry coupling techniques. The specific services we can provide are as follows.

  • LC-MS/MS data analysis. LC-MS technique has the advantages of higher sensitivity, wider dynamic range, and no derivatization, but the information of the standard spectral library is incomplete and not easy to characterize.
  • GC-MS/MS data analysis. GC-MS technique has the advantages of high resolution, high sensitivity, comparative standard database, and easy characterization, but it requires derivatization and cumbersome pretreatment.
  • We can provide statistical analysis for global metabolite profiles including independent sample t-test, paired sample t-test, F-test, one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA, PCA, PLS-DA, OPLS-DA, correlation analysis, and regression analysis.

Overview of the metabolomic data.Figure 1. Overview of the metabolomic data. (Heinonen HR, et al., 2017)

Project Workflow of Global Metabolite Profiling Data Analysis

Global Metabolite Profiling Data Analysis


We can provide the following analysis results, including but not limited to.

  • Metabolite clustering tree diagram and heatmap.
  • Multivariate statistical analysis results.
  • Differential metabolite histogram, volcano plot, VIP plot, z-score, heat map, and ROC plot.
  • Differential metabolite enrichment histogram, enrichment pathway diagram, and enrichment heat map.
  • The results of the trend analysis of the abundance of metabolites.

How Can We Help You

Choosing our global metabolite profiling data analysis can help you solve the following problems.

  • Disease mechanism research.
  • Disease diagnosis and prevention.
  • New drug screening and development.
  • Research on drug mechanism of action.
  • Drug toxicity evaluation.
  • Cellular metabolomics of plants.
  • Microbial metabolomics research.

Can CD Genomics help me generate raw data?

Yes, we can. With advanced instrumentation, a high-coverage self-built database, and experienced metabolomics experts, we can provide you with GC-MS/MS and LC-MS/MS detection services.

How should I prepare and send my samples?

If you require our GC-MS/MS and LC-MS/MS detection services, please send samples as requested in the form below and contact us.

Sample Type Minimum requirement per sample Storage and transportation
Serum, plasma 200 ul Snap freeze in liquid nitrogen.
Store at -80 ℃.
Ship with dry ice.
Urine 500 ul
Tissue 100 mg
Feces and intestinal contents 100 mg
Cells 1 x 107 cells

What is it about CD Genomics that is different from others?

  • We have a self-built database with high coverage to enable qualitative and quantitative analysis of routine metabolites.
  • We have specialized analytical platforms for amino acids and their derivatives, plant hormones, neurotransmitters, etc. We can provide efficient and rapid metabolomics analysis services to our customers.
  • We can provide one-stop service including metabolomics assays and statistical analysis of data.


  1. Heinonen HR, et al. Global metabolomic profiling of uterine leiomyomas. Br J Cancer. 2017 Dec 5; 117(12): 1855-1864.
* For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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